16 June ‘24, Sunday
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Castle Light

Step into the mystical world of Castle Light, an original platformer game that will ignite your sense of adventure. Join the courageous knight as he embarks on a perilous journey through the dark and treacherous rooms of the ancient castle.

Armed with only a torch, it's your task to guide the knight through the shadows and illuminate his path. Each step brings new challenges and obstacles to overcome, testing your agility, timing, and problem-solving skills.

As you navigate the castle's winding corridors, be prepared for unexpected trials that lie in wait. From towering platforms to deadly traps, every room holds secrets and dangers that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

But fear not, for you are not alone in this quest. Along the way, you'll discover helpful power-ups and magical artifacts that will aid you in your journey. Use them wisely to overcome obstacles and unlock new areas of the castle.

The atmospheric graphics and immersive soundtrack will transport you to a world filled with mystery and intrigue. Explore the richly detailed environments, each with its own unique challenges and surprises.

Embark on this epic adventure in Castle Light and prove your bravery and skill. Can you guide the knight through the darkness and overcome the obstacles that stand in his way? The fate of the castle rests in your hands, and we wish you the best of luck on this difficult but rewarding path.

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